Recalls have been issued by multiple retailers.
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Multiple supermarkets have issued recalls over potentially hallucinogenic spinach, which has been sold at stores across the nation.
NSW currently leads the nation in cases, while up to 10 possible cases are now being investigated in the ACT.
The spinach, which is from Riviera Farms, has been sold & since recalled at these retailers:
Aldi has issued a recall for this product:
Fresh Salad Co Fresh and Fast Stir Fry (use-by date of December 24)
Coles have issued a recall for these 'Own Brand' products:
Coles Baby Spinach 60g
Coles Lettuce Spinach 120g
Coles Salad Family Baby Spinach 280g
Coles Chef Blend Tender Leaf Blend 150g
Coles Australian Salad Family Baby Leaf Blend 300g
Coles Kitchen Green Goddess Salad 300g
Coles Kitchen Roast Pumpkin Fetta & Walnut Salad 265g
Coles Kitchen Chicken BLT Salad Bowl 240g
Coles Kitchen Smokey Mexican Salad 280g
Coles Kitchen Salads Green Goddess Salad 250g
Coles Kitchens Egg And Spinach Pots 100g
Costco has issued a recall for these products:
Riviera Farms Baby Spinach 1kg
Riviera Farms Baby Spinach 350g
Woolworths has issued a recall for these products:
Woolworths Chicken Cobb Salad 270g (use-by date of December 2)
Woolworths Chickpea Falafel 290g (use-by dates of December 20 & December 22)
Riviera Farms has released this statement:
"Riviera Farms can confirm that on Thursday and Friday we contacted all 20 of our baby spinach customers via phone, in writing, or both...the advice to our customers remains to recall potentially contaminated spinach products from their shelves, and to advise their own customers to do the same. Riviera Farms has been working with retailers and regulators to identify, and recall, potentially contaminated spinach products from shelves."
NSW Health is advising people to throw away affected products.
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