If the claim is true, it could mean a breach of the Australian Constitution.
Katter's Australian Party MP Bob Katter appears to have confessed that he has never pledged allegiance to the Crown, which could put him in breach of the Australian Constitution.
Katter was speaking to Lachlan Hodson and Jono Wakeley on The Chaser Report, and was discussing his views on pledging allegiance to the late Queen Elizabeth II.
"Do you seriously think I’m gonna sign that document?," Katter said.
"I write ‘No’ on it, and no one knows! I’m getting so old now I can probably reveal that."
According to MediaWeek, "this would mean the longstanding Member for Kennedy’s decades in parliament would come under scrutiny for breach of Section 42 of the Australian Constitution" - if the statement was true.
Katter is the longest-serving MP in the federal parliament, with his federal political career beginning as a Nationals member, before moving to the crossbench as an independent & eventually forming Katter's Australian Party.
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